Burrow the zerglings in the path of the marines and unburrow right when the marines are over them.
Tag: how to
StarCraft Master – Round 5 – Retarget
Step back with the targeted stalker so the spine crawler will start attacking the other one. Bring the other stalker back to combat right away.
StarCraft Master – Round 3 – Zealot Choke
Try to get the zealots into a position where many zealots are attacking and the zerglings can’t surround them.
StarCraft Master – Round 29 – Let’s Dance
This round is actually pretty easy. If you try to micro all marines separately, you won’t succeed, unless you’re Marine King Prime. But you can just set the one in the middle to hold position and “dance” the other ones around at the same time. Doing it this way is EZPZ! **Remember not to let […]
StarCraft Master – Round 28 – Dead Eye Ghosts
I like to send the marines to the bottom, so baneling splash damage won’t hit them so easily. I also think the positioning is better to deal with the zerglings. It’s still hard 🙂
StarCraft Master – Round 27 – Moving Shot
I use ‘P’ (Patrol) button for this – the way we used to do with Vultures in Brood War. I don’t know if this is the best way to do it, but it works for me.