Force field the bottom side of your troops and let the zealots do their job.
Tag: Zealots
StarCraft Master – Round 21 – So Many Banelings
The trick is to ‘Shift + H’ when you split your zealots. If you just split them, after reaching the point where you sent them, they will start following the banelings and will take splash damage.
StarCraft Master – Round 16 – Fungal Death
Fungal the zealots once. Throw exactly 4 infested terrans (not too close to the zealots). Keep fungaling the zealots until you’re out of energy. Do that before they can spread out, but not too fast.
StarCraft Master – Round 15 – Force Field Smash
Walk your high templars close to the Force Fields before turning them into Archon. This way, the morphing archon will dissipate the FFs and the zealots will be able to attack from the beginning.
StarCraft Master – Round 3 – Zealot Choke
Try to get the zealots into a position where many zealots are attacking and the zerglings can’t surround them.
StarCraft Master – Round 29 – Let’s Dance
This round is actually pretty easy. If you try to micro all marines separately, you won’t succeed, unless you’re Marine King Prime. But you can just set the one in the middle to hold position and “dance” the other ones around at the same time. Doing it this way is EZPZ! **Remember not to let […]